The key to de-stressing

In the past few years on my journey of self discovery, I’ve been learning new techniques that have been helping me to stay calm, centered and focused . One of the most helpful tools has been meditation. Along with that ,I have learned to incorporate sounds , such as : sound bowls, guided meditations, frequencies , and using crystals and now the stress unlocker  Stay tuned to get an exclusive deal from me to make it that much easier to get the stress unlocker in your hands!

You might have a few questions if you’ve never heard of the stress unlocker like:

  • what is it made of ?
  • how do i use it
  • what are the benefits?
  • where can i get one ?

let’s start with the first ☝️ 

What is it made of?

.  The stress unlocker is made from iron with plated copper and hand crafted just for you. Helpful tip #1🔑 when receiving the key, make sure that you or the person you are gifting it to is the only person that touches it , having others touch or  interact with the key can cause the key to not work to its full potential..🔑 ,( kinda like with crystals)   I was amazed to learn that copper has been used for centuries due to both its spiritual and health properties, one being decreasing stress, hence how it got its name! 

the key comes with a black bag as featured above , along with a plastic bag to keep both the key and bag inside for added protection.

How do I use it ?  – place the key in your hand while you meditate for at least 10 mins.  🔑If you’ve never meditated before, no worries here’s a tip to get you started.

Close your eyes , try to find a place  to sit in silence and picture any negativity, heaviness , or stress that you may be experiencing in your life, imagine all of your stress  going straight into the key and then, deep into the earth, far away from you.   as simple as that!

In case the spiritual journey  isn’t quite your thing,copper has proven health benefits such as. 

•reducing inflammation 

•boosting immunity 

•anti-aging and much more! 

Where can I get one? 
Before running to the website I want to give you a quick tip.🔑 When signing up make sure that you get the full 35% to add a comma in between the codes ex : coupon 1 ,1allove4

Signing up with your email will get you 20% off your first purchase but with you checking out my blog today you can get an additional 15% off when using my code 1allove4

If this has motivated you to grab a key of your own let me know in the comments that you grabbed one by putting key 🔑 .  

*physical Help with arthritis, reduce stress, slow down the ageing process, boost your immunity, improve heart health,reduce bacteria,viruses and fungi and much more!
spiritual benefits boost self-confidence, protect, you from negativity, assist in wealth channel spiritual vibrations,

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